New Book Release
A Horse By Nature

A Horse by Nature provides hundreds of tips to help you better understand the natural social behaviors of horses living both with and without humans. You will gain an insider’s view of wild horse culture based on the authors years of research, and learn how to apply the essential knowledge horses teach horses to better your relationship with any horse.
Based on the author’s background as both a wild horse ecologist and a sport horse behaviorist, the book weaves science and intuition together giving the reader assessment tools for determining equine personality and learning style, as well as guidance for enhanced inter-species communication.

Thank you for visiting. If you have arrived at my web site then your journey to discover more about yourself, nature, horses, people and/or consciousness has brought you here.
This web site offers a brief summary of my life’s work with horses, people and nature exploring consciousness. It also provides resources and opportunities to learn more about inter-species communication, equine behavior, equestrian psychology, human interactions with nature, whole systems thinking, mindfulness, collaboration and creativity.
While my focus is on horse-human interactions and human-nature interactions, the tools and models developed with a natural whole systems philosophy have application in
many fields, particularly with the issues of today. Some are presented in my new book “A Horse by Nature”, and some I have written about, coached and taught for years.
My passion and joy in life is helping people discover and trust their inner wisdom by integrating science and intuition with their hearts and minds. Whether you work with horses, other animals, nature or just people ask yourself:
Are you interested in learning and/or teaching inter-species communication and the subtle languages of nature?
Do you want to be a horse expert and understand how functional wild horse behavior applies to domestic horses, training, performance & welfare?
Are you seeking to explore consciousness or mindfulness and learn useful tools to help grow your business or personal life?
Are you looking for interesting, relevant educational topics to inspire your students, clients, or organizations?
If you resonate with any of the questions, then please contact me. Whether you are a professional or just a person interested in learning more, I hope this web site will offer you inspiration and guidance.
I welcome you to read on or CONTACT me. I look forward to collaborating and networking. Enjoy!

Veterinarian, Best Selling AuthorUSA
Small Business Owner,Washington
Veterinarian, Nutritionist owner of IWestGermany
Equine Rehab & Therapy ProfessionalOregon
Canine and Equine Behaviour & Training ConsultantGermany
Owner, Trainer, CoachScotland
Mary Ann Simonds
An intuitive scientist for horses and nature

For over 40 years I have been blessed working in nature and with horses professionally, motivating people to raise their awareness, be more co-creative, discover solutions and have more meaningful relationships with other species.
Bouncing back and forth between the equestrian world and ecological consulting, merging my love of nature and horses with my academic background and my professional practices, I have developed tools, models and trainings to help professionals help their clients. At the same time, I have researched and developed stress management products for horses and people, published numerous articles, produced multiple educational videos and CDs, authored several books, given hundreds of talks and clinics, and facilitated a variety of organizations and collaborations.
Through speaking, writing, training, coaching and consulting, my goal has always been to transfer the knowledge I have, inspire people to recognize the same inner knowing in themselves, and trust it by integrating science with intuition.
Currently I work mostly with professionals (veterinarians, trainers, coaches, therapists) who want to enhance their practice or helping organizations think more “nature-centric” and develop sustainable models. However, if the information here triggers something inside you that says “yes, I want to learn this, I know this”, then please contact me. If I cannot help you, perhaps I can refer you to someone who can.

Horses communicate using facial expressions, body language, energy, smell, touch movement, and vocalization. Based on years of studying the social ecology of wild horses the Equine Behavior & Psychology program gives you the missing link to better understand how horses think, feel, learn, sense, communicate and develop.
Spending as little as 10 mins per day in nature can lower stress hormones and “re-boot” your brain. Research is showing how beneficial being in nature is for our body, mind and overall wellness. Learn how to teach simple nature connection techniques with the Humans by Nature© program

As social creatures horses want to communicate with us. Keeping soft eye contact, slowing your brain waves down and breathing together opens up channels for communication between you and your horse. Learn how to become a real “horse listener” by shifting your perceptions to be more “horse-centric” with Equines by Nature©
Nature is communicating constantly with us if we just learn to still our minds, open our hearts and listen. Learn how to communicate and co-create with nature toward symbiotic relationships. The Enchanted Kinship© program helps you shift your beliefs about nature and open up to new ways of thinking, feeling and sensing.

Play is a universal language that makes learning fun. Safe play builds trust, teaches spatial respect, establishes friendship and helps you and your horse learn how to communicate clearly with each other on equal terms. Horses need the freedom to “talk” to us and express their thoughts and emotions. Learn how to establish safe play options with your horse in “Horse Play”
The “Secret Life of Trees” is no longer a secret. Trees talk to each in multiple ways from the chemicals they secret through their leaves to their intricate root system. Gaiasolphy is the philosophy that nature/earth is a living organism and all life is connected. Learn how intricate our connection is with all living beings both physically and energetically.

You cannot coach a person without their horse. They are a team and both need to learn how to communicate and understand each other’s needs and learning styles. Gain a foundation in equine psychology and learning as well as stress management for horse and rider. Or learn how breathing, heart coherence, meditation and focusing techniques in the Inner Rider program can help you and your horses.
Plants are here to help us evolve. Whether used as food, herbs, essences or aromatherapy, plants carry an energetic blueprint to help correct imbalances on many levels. Having studied “equine ethnobotany” (zoopharmacognosy), I wrote Herbs for Horses in the early 1990s and developed a line of vibrational remedies (Natural Vibrations© and Mystic Horse©) and aromatherapy products to help manage stress in horses & people. Learn how to use, make or customize blends.

Horses reflect our energy. If we are worried or stressed, our horses pick up this stress. The Equestrian Life Coaching program gives you the skills to help your clients: 1.) better understand themselves and horses, 2.) set and achieve goals together, 3.) gain a deeper connection with their horses and life, 4.) become more confident, and 5.) guide them toward happiness.
Are you interested in expanding awareness, enhancing consciousness, making positive change in the world, or co-creating with other like-minded collaborators? If so then Catalysts for Consciousness© might be something you are interested in exploring.

Take time to enjoy your horse and appreciate each moment. Your horses will respond when you are present in the moment and doing things your horse enjoys. Horsewomanship © teaches a different way to be with horses and with life that is more intuitive, collaborative and creative than perhaps any traditional equestrian education you have experienced.