Equine, Equestrian, & Nature Consulting.
Coaching & Education

Nosebands – To Use or Not to Use

Horse’s Nosebands  Originally published in Holistic Horse Magazine by  Mary Ann C. Simonds, B.S. M.A.    For most horses, using restrictive devices on their faces is insulting and really not necessary for effective communication. Searching for control, obedience, and connection? These are words used to describe the ultimate goal of training for many equestrians. But … Read more

Smell You Later!

Mary Ann Simonds THE IMPORTANCE OF SMELL IN HORSES Horses have a sophisticated sense of smell, far beyond that of humans. Horses use smell like we use speech, gaining information from their environment, their friends, their sexual partners, and to identify food and water. Smell may be the most important sense to a horse, as … Read more

The Noseband Controversy

Communication, Control, and Comfort by Mary Ann Simonds hh Horse in a tight noseband Three Horses, One Message The black mare refused to go into the arena, backing up and shaking her head, as her rider encouraged her to go forward. Spurring the mare more intently, the mare eventually reared up. When I went over and … Read more

Boredom in the Barn?

Busy Horses are Happy Horses by Mary Ann Simonds Managing the mental and emotional welfare of confined horses Originally published in Holistic Horse Magazine Horses are “free-ranging social herbivores.” So, from a horse’s perspective, the idea of staying in 12-foot-by-12-foot stalls is unnatural. However, the “social” part of the horse  often overrides the “free-roaming” part, particularly if they are able to stay with their friends all day in a … Read more

Mindfulness With Horses

Every good horseman and horsewomen is and should be “mindful” when they are interacting with horses. The silent, interpersonal relationship you share with your horse is a form of meditation for some and just deep connection for others. by B.S., M.A. Mary Ann C. Simonds Every good horseman and horsewomen is and should be “mindful” when … Read more

Bit or Bitless?

Bridles, with bits and without, have been used through history as various cultures sought to guide, control and communicate with the horse. by Mary Ann Simonds, B.S., M.A,   Originally published in Holistic Horse magazine The history of bridles and bits goes as far back as 3500-3000 BC. Early bits were made of bone, horn or … Read more

English Bridle Fit too Tight?

The head has more nerve sensitivity than any other part of the body. by Mary Ann Simonds   kt The nose/mouth/smell system of the horse is critical for obtaining and processing sensory information and hence has more nerves-to-pro-preceptor ratio than any other place in the body. In other words, as discomfort and pain increase, the horse … Read more

Keep Flies away with Aromatherapy

When it comes to keeping insects off, nature actually designed the horse fairly well. by Mary Ann Simonds ShareThis Facebook Tweet LinkedIn Google + Care2 Pinterest Email RSS Print Expand kt Long manes with a forelock over the eyes and a tail that can swish and reach the shoulder, gives the horse good coverage. However, since people have begun controlling genetics, not nature, … Read more

Buzz Off

Keep the Insects off of your horse! by Mary Ann Simonds ShareThis Facebook Tweet LinkedIn Google + Care2 Pinterest Email RSS Print Shutterstock swarm of flies When it comes to keeping insects off, nature actually designed the horse fairly well. Long manes with a forelock over the eyes and a tail that can swish and reach the shoulder, gives the horse good coverage. … Read more

Solutions for Bugs on Horses

Repellent sssential oils you can use to battle bugs on your horse by B.S., M.A. Mary Ann C. Simonds ShareThis Facebook Tweet LinkedIn Google + Care2 Pinterest Email RSS Print Mary Ann Simonds and Holistic Horse TV Make your own non-toxic fly spary When it comes to keeping insects off, nature actually designed the horse fairly well. Long manes with a forelock over … Read more

Communication: Horse Whispering

By  Mary Ann Simonds  –  July 24, 2013 933 0 Good horse people have mastered communication with horses and have been talking with them and hearing what they say for thousands of years. However, recently with the “Horse Whispering” wave, we are re-acknowledging our deep and sometimes unspoken relationship with horses. Relationships between horses and people can vary … Read more