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Vibration Therapy: Making Sense of Subtle and Physical Energies

by Mary Ann C. Simonds, B.S. M.A.   originally published in Holistic Horse Magazine

In a world filled with frequencies and vibrations, it can be confusing to understand all the language of new and “old” technology. While engineers and physicists cringe at the use of words with clear meanings in their field, subtle energy practitioners continue to create new ways to use the terms to define various forms of healing modalities.

The field is split between the physical “vibrations” such as vibration plates which literally shake you up and the field of subtle energy medicine, which includes a huge array of modalities from electromagnetic therapies to radionics healing.  

Because we are a “living system” and are interacting with other living systems, we are all influencing each other with subtle electromagnetic waves whether we recognize it or not. “Vibration” as defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary is now covering the term from its very physical definition (a periodic motion of the particles of an elastic body or medium in alternately opposite directions from the position of equilibrium when that equilibrium has been disturbed) to its spiritual definition (a characteristic emanation, aura, or spirit that infuses or vitalizes someone or something and that can be instinctively sensed or experience).


On the forefront of the physical is “vibration therapy” which refers to the use of vibration plates. These plates move in various directions while the body is standing on top of the moving plates. These tiny movements put the body out of balance. To correct this imbalance, the muscles unconsciously make very rapid reflex contractions. Therefore, the muscles are almost continuously contracted. Vibration plates are being used for rehabilitation, weight loss, coordination, strengthening, balance, and a variety of other training and therapy uses.

 Vibration plates are available for both humans and horses with a wide variety of manufacturers. Equivibe, Vitafloor and Theraplate are just a few of the devices for horses. Each manufacturer has an edge by telling you their special 4 directions or 3 directions or “vortex” movement is the best. Bottom line, anytime you shake up the body, it will try and re-balance on many levels, from organs to muscles to nerves. This re-balancing creates subtle changes on many levels. While some horses seem to enjoy the experience, others clearly want nothing to do with a shaking floor. Most rehab centers will now have some form of vibration plates as they are gaining more recognition for conditioning horses as well as for speeding up recovery from injuries.


Dr. Richard Gerber’s book Vibrational Medicine has become the “go-to” source for subtle energy medicine. A second resource is Dr. Robert Becker’s The Body Electric, which deals with the electromagnetic fields of the body and all life. Both books offer a solid education in the field of subtle energy and vibrational medicine.

Vibrational therapies are based on the principle that all matter vibrates to a precise frequency. A frequency is defined as “the number of repetitions of a periodic process in a unit of time.” A frequency cannot exist in isolation, as there has to be some periodic process such as a sound wave or electro-magnetic wave.

Because vibrational medicine borrows terms not commonly used relative to biological processes, the field can be confusing if strict definitions are applied as they are in physics or engineering. Biological vibrations do have electro-magnetic relations, but the water is a bit murky when it comes to how traditional hard science interacts with living systems. You will also hear it referred to as “energy medicine,” “subtle energy” or “vibrational energy medicine or therapies.” Common to most all the vibrational therapies is the belief the body is a living system interacting with other systems energetically. The changes made to the body can sometimes be measured when biochemical processes are changed, but often the dynamic processes of change cannot be measured using traditional devices.

Pranic Healing

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) may well be the oldest form of vibrational medicine. With a history spanning more than 5,000 years, it is based on energetic “vital energy” pathways or “chi” system, called meridians , which flow in association with the body. There are twelve meridians associated with various organs and actions in the body. Balance, or yin and yang energy, is a guiding principle in TCM. The use of needles, light, heat, touch or magnetics on acu-points running along meridians can affect change in many levels in the body.


All life processes involve energy and nothing happens within the body without an electromagnetic cellular exchange. Devices span a broad range, from pulsed electromagnetic machines and blankets to “static” magnetic products. You will see products mention Hz or Hertz, which refers to cycles per second or frequency and “gauss,” which very generally refers to the strength of the magnetic. An important consideration in using “bioelectromagnetic” devices is to understand what you are trying to affect in the body to create balance. You must take into consideration the other electromagnetic forces of the environment, which can have either negative or positive effects on the body.


Vibrational formulas represent a large growing field including:


* flower essences

* crystal

* light

* sound

* “thought” remedies

Although we cannot see the subtle vibrations of thought, color or crystals, many animals can sense them. Something as simple as playing music can affect the cells of the body, as can various forms of light. Both represent vibrations.

Homeopathy is a well defined and widely accepted form of healing based on extremely subtle energy “blueprints” of materials that in higher physical doses would cause the symptom being treated.

Flower, mineral, and light essences generally target more emotional and mental issues but also often refer to a “blueprint” of either thought or subtle energy.

Radionics can refer to either the use of radionics devices which apply healthy frequencies directed toward a patient to balance unhealthy frequencies, or the use of healing thoughts directed at another.  Healthy frequencies are broadcast to the patient whether using a device or simply intention.

Reiki and other hands-on healing therapies are based on the belief a higher energetic field can assist in balancing the body.


All the existing and emerging “vibration and vibrational” therapies have at least one thing in common: they seek to assist the body in finding healthy balance. Although often the modality cannot be measured with traditional physical equipment of conventional sensing, the effects of the treatments are gaining recognition for their results.

The language used for various healing modalities may continue to be confusing until the Newtonian paradigm shifts to a more Quantum paradigm.

As with all modalities, it is advised to research the therapy and work with a qualified health care practitioner.

Mary Ann Simonds, BS, MA, is an equine ecologist, horse behaviorist and natural health consultant. International author and clinician, she has also developed magnetic therapy products, light devices, herbal/aromatherapy products and both the Natural Vibrations™ and Mystic Horse™ Blends of vibrational remedies. Visit www.maryannsimonds.com 

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